Exploring Scotland’s Living History
While Scotland’s history stretches back thousands of years, this is not an ancient culture that never adapted to modern times. Rather, Scotland boasts an incredible depth of history whilst simultaneously being a vibrant, progressive nation that has given the world countless modern inventions.
In fact, here are just some of the recent inventions you likely enjoy today, all courtesy of Scots!
- Television: Invented by John Logie Baird
- Dolly the Sheep: Born at the Roslin Institute, part of the University of Edinburgh
- Telephone: Invented by Alexander Graham Bell
- Penicillin: Discovered by Sir Alexander Fleming
- MRI Scanner: Developed by a team at the University of Aberdeen
- Refrigerator: Invented by William Cullen
- Toaster: Invented by Alan MacMasters
- Daily disposable contact lens: Invented by Ron Hamilton
- The ATM: Invented by James Goodfellow
- Colour photographs: Invented by James Clerk Maxwell (who is also called the father of modern physics)
- Kaleidoscope: Invented by Sir David Brewster
- Flushing toilets: Used as far back as the neolithic era at Skara Brae on Orkney, but modernized to the current system by Scotsmand Alexander Cumming
Plus…Scotland is the home of golf!

Learning about Scotland’s inventors, creators, artists, and great thinkers is an excellent way to pay homage to Scotland’s great history. Our cities boast plenty of museums where you can learn so much more about these people and the others who contributed to Scotland — and the world — over the years.
Check out these articles to get inspired to visit our beloved cities to learn more!
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